Monday, 10 July 2017

 Karnim capsules
Every disease is originated from digestive tract or habits that affects metabolism, and so as diabetes. Though diabetes is objectively measured by amount of alleviated blood sugar level, but diabetes is not only about this, it has more broader aspect than just a blood sugar. That’s why in most of the cases of DM even though blood sugar is in normal range a person suffers from various secondary disorders like fatigue, bodyache, joint pain, digestive disturbances etc.

Modern OHA like metformin etc. has prĂ©cised roll towards lowering an alleviated blood sugar level by various targeted pharmacokinetic actions, but it has no roll in checking metabolic pathways of a carbohydrate metabolism, that’s why long term use of OHA with no attention towards metabolic disorders leads to various complications i.e neuropathy, chronic digestive pathologies etc. which further lead to resistance to OHA where blood sugar lowering activity is also hampered which is a real complicated stage of DM.

That’s why even with OHA, remedies that acts on metabolism are of upmost important while treating DM in a holistic way. KARNIM is a remedy which acts as a digestive, metabolizer and checks proper conversion of consumed food in suitable form which lead to lower down or prevent several digestive pathologies, and help in maintaining holistic wellbeing of an individual.

No doubt proper exercise and diet is of upmost important, but using KARNIM as a supplement along with other OHA or even as a single therapy in mild to moderate DM is beneficial.


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